Konichiwa~!! Yuki in the house. This blog is almost like my dairy and actually it is. Yuki just want to tell you guyst that in this blog Yuki will tell all about Yuki's story. Maybe not all of the story but Yuki will try to said it out loud. Hehe~ ^_^ Yuki going to tell all about my life story. Hmm. Also gossip Yuki guess. Yuki will express all Yuki's felling in this blog also my activities and many more. Hope you guys enjoy reading my blog. That enough to make me happy. By the way, don't forget to leave me your comment or feedback so Yuki can know all your thought. You guys also can chatting with other visitors at SHOUT BOX area. Besides that, all story in yuki blog is 100% truth and 100% original. So take your time here and enjoy reading. Huhu~ ^o^ Love you guys. There are many person said that I'm so easily to said "LOVE" to other people. So Yuki love you guys. Muax3~ O_o

Let's The Story Begins [Prologue]

Friday, December 21, 2012

Konichiwa Minnasan~
What I trying to said here. Here the all dramas in my life begin.

My Freshmen at UiTM~
When I just a freshmen in my collage I always going anywhere alone with a companion. My routine as a freshmen in UiTM just going to class at 8:00am until 6:30pm then at night I just going my studies. I have kind of bored life here but I feel really comfortable with it. I just communicate with my roommate and 2 other friends of mine. So, the story begin when there are my classmate that I look in him that he can change me to be a better person for the first I thought. Then I keep get near to him and I wanna be his friends. So we keep going to class together and I always have a stop at his room having a chat with him and his roommate. I feel comfortable when I be with him. He also a nice guys that always go to masjid for solah. He also keep asking me to go with him. [Sometime I refuse to go XD] For the moment I feel he is the great friends that I have and also a good classmate that I can trust. A WORTHY PERSON TO BE TRUST

Accidently, I also knew that he has a girlfriends that is 2 years younger than him. When I keep asking about his girlfriends and finally he tell me about it and how they meet. [So I know a bit about him and lets notice him as "U" easy for me to tell a story =)] In the end of semester of my freshmen here we need to choose our roommate for the next semester. So I decided to stay with my roommate they are like family to me even they always scold me and I kinda feel that they really take care of me. Owh yea. You know U also invite me to be his roommate but I already decide that I will stay with my current roommate. [For a moment I feel a bit happy] So that the end of my freshmen years at UiTM.

My Second Semester at UiTM~
When I going to regiester as a resident of my collage you know what accidently I stay a same room with U!! OMG!! I have predict that I will stay with him since I already choose my roommate last semester. Hmm. I just cant said a thing on that time and I meet U and the other one my roommate. You wanna know what U said to me. He said that "Are you OK to stay with me in same room?" and that statement really make me speechless. ==''' I just reply "Its fine by me"  and when I enter the room then they also come to enter the room also guess what again U tell me that we can change the room and me goes like O_O [Are you desperately don't want me to stay with you] He make my mood goes down on that day. Its OK for now I will endure with it. Since we are classmate and roommate I need patiently wait for them to get ready for classes. Just don't wanna make they feel like I don't ever care about them. Its take time for me to be comfortable stay with U and the other one.

The best thing is even I the one always sleep late like 3am or 4am and I'm the one need to wake them up in the morning. I never feel asleep at the classes. I slowly can adapt with the surrounding live with U and others. U also always ask me to fasting with him and I just OK with it. Then I can cope with it all. By the way, I also know that U already breakup with his girlfriends and he really upset with it. He also tell me story what he already done to his girlfriends. Hmm. Ha!! I remember one thing that I do to him and make him really upset with it. I just play a door trick like I lock the door and I just ask password from him to enter the room and he got angry and go to other room to sleep. Start from that he didn't talk to me and just do nothing also take his belonging and sleep to other room. That make me feel REALLY GUILTY like I have commit a crime!! On the same time I just go find my best friends and stay a night at his room. Before the end of the semester I wrote a letter and apologies to him and also I do the room clearance alone without any help and leave the room and give a key to the collage keeper. I just leave the room without a sound because I go out from the exam 30minute early so I take all my belonging and back with my parent since my parent already arrive on that time just waiting for me.


I guess I will stop here today and stay tune for the next episode. Haha~ XD I made it prologue, medianlogue and epilogue. So hope you guy be patient to wait for the next episode. Thankie for support me all this time. Arigatou Gozaimasu!!
Sayonara Minnasan~

With Hatred

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