Konichiwa~!! Yuki in the house. This blog is almost like my dairy and actually it is. Yuki just want to tell you guyst that in this blog Yuki will tell all about Yuki's story. Maybe not all of the story but Yuki will try to said it out loud. Hehe~ ^_^ Yuki going to tell all about my life story. Hmm. Also gossip Yuki guess. Yuki will express all Yuki's felling in this blog also my activities and many more. Hope you guys enjoy reading my blog. That enough to make me happy. By the way, don't forget to leave me your comment or feedback so Yuki can know all your thought. You guys also can chatting with other visitors at SHOUT BOX area. Besides that, all story in yuki blog is 100% truth and 100% original. So take your time here and enjoy reading. Huhu~ ^o^ Love you guys. There are many person said that I'm so easily to said "LOVE" to other people. So Yuki love you guys. Muax3~ O_o

Let's The Story Begins [Medianlogue]

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Konichiwa Minnasan~
Now I'm going to continue where I stop at Prologue. Hehe~ XP OK here we go again. Hope you guys enjoy your stay here.

My Third Semester at UiTM~
OK as you read from the last post that I have a fight with U. So, on this semester I just keep quite and didn't talk with U. Owh yea!! Forgot to mention, in this semester I just hope that I have a separate room with him and guess what we are in separate room and even far away from each others. I feel like he not the one that I be with and the one that can change me but make me more and even worst. I just spend the whole semester not to talk with him and even avoid to be with him. I just use another way just to avoid him even the way need to take a time. [I just can face him and the more terrible is he also do the same things] But I don't really care. You know my roommate always tease me with U. Sure I'm like Ha? What it is? my roommate so annoy me like he keep calling U my brother and I said he is not. [Since when I got another brother before my sister and my brother?] So for me it just nothing I just keep pretend that I never see him and he never exist in front of me. On this semester actually I cry a lot. You know why since, U is the one who thought me not to be alone. So, slowly I feel so lonely and I keep saying to myself that I'm not alone I have my parent that I can really rely on. I keep telling that to myself and seal all my sadness into me. You know it not the easy thing to do. Besides, I don't anyone that I can talk with about it.

Guess what in the end of the semester I just give up and try to be friends back with U. I just trying to forgive him and also trying to forgive myself. Slowly due to time we be as friends as we should be. I learn how to forgive people and also forgive myself slowly I can develop a new good point in me. I just keep trying my best not to hurts him. I keep on smiling even U sometime make me hurt and I will make sure that he never knew or notice about it. I don't want the same thing happen again to me. You know why because its so hurts like a million needle been poke at you at the same time. [Sometime I think I just so stupid or else] I think in this world the justice are never exist and sometime I think deep in side me got a little fragment that one day its going to explode. So, as usual in the when the semester going to end. I take 30 minute early leave from examination hall and pick all my belongings and go back with my parent.

My Forth Semester at UiTM~
The start of big dramas in my life. This start of new semester where I be a secretory for the collage that I stay and guess what I got my own room without roommate so heavenly!! I can do anything without disruption or without be scold by anyone. I decorate my room. I also put carpet in my room and I always fall asleep on it then when I wake up in the morning I just realize that I sleep on carpet not on the bed. Hehe~ XP On this semester where many of our friends do theirs fast track where with a good result from diploma they can just enter the degree. For me its better to finish my diploma first and continue degree later so I decide to not to take fast track and I keep this secret from my parent. [One day my parent knew about it and for sure I get scold] So here U and I become more close since many of ours friend go to fast track. So as usual, I need to wait for U to get ready to class for everyday I wait for him. We always go to class together and eat lunch and do activities together. One day I knew that one of our junior have crush on U but I just keep quiet about it and going to investigate about it. [Wait!! What? Our JUNIOR!! Let's know she as "P"] Then I keep asking U and P about their relationship. Here something happen. P always keep calling me and asking me to give advice from the start and actually I'm really OK with it. By the way, our course mate need to attend on camp that is Hydro Camp where held at Pantai Merdeka. We need to do sea survey O_O That day is the start of where I trying to make U and P going to be a lover. So I try many thing to make sure its going to work.

On this camp, U suddenly make something that I can imagine. You know I got a slightly fever on that time because of I'm tired and also the weather on that time always raining and I keep been hit by it so I got this fever and so do U. On the raining day U suddenly take our his "kain pelekat" and cover my head and I was like O_O [My eyes like wide open] No one ever take care of me like this before and on the same time U also on fever so I just return the cloth back and ask him to cover his head first. I said to him "Its OK I can bear with it" because on that time the U voice become raspy. He really need it then me since from I'm child I can bear with my fever even I sick I will go to school. [I really treasure that moment and its also an awkward moment] I'm the one that always scold U to keep resting because of his condition and I also ask P help to advice him because sometime he didn't listen to me. Here at Pantai Merdeka the relationship between U and P more develop because of me and I so happy for them at that time.  Suddenly, I got know that P have boyfriends before and she said she still contact with him. She also make her boyfriends wait for her for a long time and suddenly she going to like U. She introduce me to his boyfriends and I add him on Facebook. I and her boyfriends have a chat and he keep asking me about P. I really pity with me because P make him wait for her so I just tell the truth to him and guess what P call me and said what I have told her boyfriends and I just answering nothing I told him and she start crying. [So the DRAMA BEGINS] At this moment, I really think that P is not as good as I thought she should be. I really misjudge person again!! [Nuuuuuuuuuuuu!!] For the first, she keep put a blame on me because I tell her boyfriends the truth and suddenly she thank me for telling the truth. So, the problem P facing with her boyfriends solve with LIES!! Where P tell her boyfriends that her parent didn't like the attitude of her boyfriends. Start from what happen, every single call I got from P like BURDEN to me. I treat her just like someone that I use to know. Every single of her call just to ask where U is and I feel like been use all the time.SO I decide not to interrupt in U and P love story anymore. I also told P for not calling me anymore and stop being bugs that always buzzing!!


Hehe~ XP Like before I can tell all this story in one post and that will make it be too long. So just wait for the continuance when I have time and mood to write it again. Just stay tune for Let's The Story Begins [Epilogue] the ending of this story. I really appreciate for reader that always support me and keep reading my blog. Arigatou Gozaimasu Minna!! I really love you guys. Hope you enjoy  reading my blog even I got many grammar mistake on my writing but I trying to improve my English language. >...<
Sayonara Minnasan~

With Hatred

0 have been scold me...: