Konichiwa~!! Yuki in the house. This blog is almost like my dairy and actually it is. Yuki just want to tell you guyst that in this blog Yuki will tell all about Yuki's story. Maybe not all of the story but Yuki will try to said it out loud. Hehe~ ^_^ Yuki going to tell all about my life story. Hmm. Also gossip Yuki guess. Yuki will express all Yuki's felling in this blog also my activities and many more. Hope you guys enjoy reading my blog. That enough to make me happy. By the way, don't forget to leave me your comment or feedback so Yuki can know all your thought. You guys also can chatting with other visitors at SHOUT BOX area. Besides that, all story in yuki blog is 100% truth and 100% original. So take your time here and enjoy reading. Huhu~ ^o^ Love you guys. There are many person said that I'm so easily to said "LOVE" to other people. So Yuki love you guys. Muax3~ O_o

It HuRt AgAiN....

Friday, November 12, 2010

= konichiwa =
you know my left hand is hurt again
it more hurt than before
it maybe i take out all my stuff
my boxes, bag and many more
you know the bag of mine it to heavy
so i won't let my father to take it
i carry it by myself
i just carry it with my left hand
maybe this is the cause of it
[arrh... i mess it out]
kinda afraid something happen to my hand
by the way
tomorrow i have checkup with doctor
so i kinda afraid the doctor scold me
cause i don't take the medicine that he gave to me
^_^ ~haha~ ^_^
then he say to me don't always use the left hand
but i always use my left hand t do anything
[except for writing]
what gonna happen to me tomorrow
i'm afraid he will cut off my hand
T^T *crying* T^T
someone please help me
i'm really afraid
you know the doctor always say the same thing to me
he say if you not following what i say i will cut it
[no... no... no...]
i beg the doctor is joking
but how if he did it
[kinda scary]
for you all information
tomorrow also i will go shopping with my parent
kinda happy
i think i wanna have contact lens
hope i will get one
okey kinda tired today
= sayonara minna =

0 have been scold me...: