Konichiwa~!! Yuki in the house. This blog is almost like my dairy and actually it is. Yuki just want to tell you guyst that in this blog Yuki will tell all about Yuki's story. Maybe not all of the story but Yuki will try to said it out loud. Hehe~ ^_^ Yuki going to tell all about my life story. Hmm. Also gossip Yuki guess. Yuki will express all Yuki's felling in this blog also my activities and many more. Hope you guys enjoy reading my blog. That enough to make me happy. By the way, don't forget to leave me your comment or feedback so Yuki can know all your thought. You guys also can chatting with other visitors at SHOUT BOX area. Besides that, all story in yuki blog is 100% truth and 100% original. So take your time here and enjoy reading. Huhu~ ^o^ Love you guys. There are many person said that I'm so easily to said "LOVE" to other people. So Yuki love you guys. Muax3~ O_o

KiSaH YuKi nGn KwAn2....

Sunday, December 06, 2009

hem... yuki nk kasi tau skit... yuki neh tak pndi nk br kwan... even oRg ckap yuki neh peRamah... tp sbnrnyeR tak laR... haha~ ^_^ maybe yuki neh peRamah gak kot... tp yuki klau blh mmg nk adeR rmi kwan... [cam impian pulak] tp ble yuki kwan ngn ssoRg t msti yuki kaco oR mRh2 kat oRg tuh... hehe~ x.x kebiasaannyeR laR...

eRm... lg1... yuki neh adeR sbb kaco oRg... jgn gtau sapeR2 yek... sbb yuki nk citeR sbb neh... sbbnyeR yuki neh cube nk memahami ssoRg... huhu~ ;3 nk tngk thap k'sbRn ssoRg tuh... kpd sapeR2 yg yuki kaco tuh bce neh... yuki nk mntk maap... jgn mRh yek... gomen... V_V

ha..! yuki t'ingt lak kat kwan bek yuki yg t'awal n t'akhiR... yuki citeR details dia yek... okey... nme dia mohd taufiq... umo same ngn yuki jeR... dia neh pndi, bek ati, selalo tlg org, agk cute n handsome, caRRing n also loving by anyone yg b'ada dkt ngn dia... dia selalo ambk beRat psl yuki... apeR2 mslh yuki oR ketidakpuasan ati yuki, yuki akn selalo citeR kat dia... tp mlg skli yuki dah lme tak jmpe dia...

citeR dia begini... dlu wktu yuki kecik2 dlu yuki tak de kwan... smpi yuki jmpe taufiq neh... hehe~ ;D yuki jmpe dia wktu yuki daRjah 4 sek agama... yuki cam besa laR dok soRg2 sbb takde kwan... then tetiba adeR soRg neh dok sblh yuki... so yukipun bwat don know jeR laR... [agk kejam skit sbb tak pnh b'kwan... haha~ O_o] so dia pun tgR yuki... then lame2 kiteoRg pun jd kwan bek sbb yuki pkR dia neh blh thn ngn peRangai yuki yg tRk neh... actually tak laR tRk sngt... hehe~ :x [ye keR..?]
so lps tuh apeR2 yg yuki bwat semuanyeR yuki citeR kat dia...

pastuh... kiteoRg kwan smpi daRjah 6 sek agama... wktu daRjah 6 kiteoRg sme2 jd pengawas kat sek agama tuh... seRonok tul... tp wktu daRjahh 6 neh kiteoRg agk sibok sbb nk UPSR... so yuki n dia neh selalo dtg lmbt sbb adeR klas tambahan... ustaz yg ajaR kiteoRg tak kisah kiteoRg dtg lmbt... sbb adeR klas tmbhn... dRpd tak dtg lngsg... [btl tak..?] sejak tuh kdg2 yuki dtg awal n kdg2 dia dtg lmbt... tp yuki tak kisah klau dia dtg lmbt yukittp tngu dia dtg...

dah sethn bljo kat sek agama... yuki pun kne laR b'pisah ngn taufiq... sbb dia tuh pndi dpt msk sekolah asRama penuh... so yuki pun dah jRg jmpe dia... cam besa yuki b'soRgn blk... then 4thn kemudian yuki jmpe dia tuh pun utk bebeRape saat jeR... sbb yuki n dia msk "peRtandinagan robotik"... kiteoRg tak smpt nk b'smbg... lg pun wktu tuh yuki rse jngl sngt nk jmpe n smbg ngn dia... seddyh tul wktu tuh... T^T sbb tak dpt nk b'komiunikasi ngn kwan bek sndRi...

then sejak tuh yuki jd cam besa blk tak pndi nk b'kwan cume ramah jeR... n sejak tuh yuki tak jmpe kwan yg btl2 leh jd kwan bek yuki... takde soRg pun dpt msk pintu hati yuki yg dikunci dgn ketat neh smpi laR skung... yg yuki jmpe oRg2 yg blh bwat yuki bnci ngn diRi sendRi... ini keRna yuki tak boleh bnci oRg... klau yuki bnci oRg lg pyh idop yuki... so yuki ambk keputusan utk bnci dRi sendRi... sejak tuh gak laR yuki dah pndm p'rsn... skung neh yuki dah pndm p'rsn selame 6thn... klau dibeRi pRessuRe lg yg foRmula dia P = F/A oR P = mgh oR P = pVg... haha~ ^_^ [msok physic lak...] msti n jamin laR yuki akn meletop satu aRi nnt... so kpd sapeR yg bce tuh bwat pRepaRation... haha~

k laR t yuki b'ceRita lg... huhu~ be loyal with my blog yaR... cause yuki really apreciate it... hehe~

4 have been scold me...:

Kyouko Kaoru said...

pnjngnye yuki tulis. (o.o)
pndai yuki letak lgu kt blog tuhh.
lgu die sdap sgtt....

=YuKi= said...

>>kan kaoru yg ajR...
>>thankz yaR...

kyouko kaoru said...

your welcome.

=YuKi= said...

>>hehe~ ^-^
>>n thank kaoru...
>>sbb rajin msk blog yuki...
>>yuki ske sngt...
>>thankz yaR...