= konichiwa =
see i have a ring
i have engaged with someone
^~^ ~haha~ ^~^
i'm really happy about that
so girls stay away form me
O///O *blushing* O///O
actually this ring i got it form my mother
my mum say this ring belong to my father
[so girl i'm still available]
i just make a joke there
^_^ ~huhu~ ^_^
don't misunderstanding
the ring it not really fix to my finger
but it still can be ware by me
when i ware this ring
i will remember my parent
[really love it]
by the way
today i make some experiment
just use photoshop for the first time
so i satisfied with my work
can you all as my readers
give some comment to the picture

i love the second picture
so how is it
just leave your comment
it may help me to edit picture after this
[i really appreciate if you make so]
hope can read you comment soon
= sayonara minna =
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