now yuki in uitm...
n yuki had to stay at kolej resak...
so sad...
[sadness n want to taste blood...]
lovely blood...
going bck to the topic...
it actually about my roommate...
in one room hav 3 student...
so yuki stay with 2 otheR student...
theRe aRe A, YuKi n L...
[soRRy can't mention theiR nme for some respect...]
yuki feel happy n sad some time...
but it okey to hav roommate with them...
they not to bad n they aRe kind to yuki...
sbnRnyeR yuki nk dok ngn roommate lme...
so sad...
yuki miss them all...
but yuki hope can meet with them...
[wei... don't foRget me yaR...]
k laR...
yuki will tell you all about my roommate...
in the next post...
0 have been scold me...:
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