Konichiwa~!! Yuki in the house. This blog is almost like my dairy and actually it is. Yuki just want to tell you guyst that in this blog Yuki will tell all about Yuki's story. Maybe not all of the story but Yuki will try to said it out loud. Hehe~ ^_^ Yuki going to tell all about my life story. Hmm. Also gossip Yuki guess. Yuki will express all Yuki's felling in this blog also my activities and many more. Hope you guys enjoy reading my blog. That enough to make me happy. By the way, don't forget to leave me your comment or feedback so Yuki can know all your thought. You guys also can chatting with other visitors at SHOUT BOX area. Besides that, all story in yuki blog is 100% truth and 100% original. So take your time here and enjoy reading. Huhu~ ^o^ Love you guys. There are many person said that I'm so easily to said "LOVE" to other people. So Yuki love you guys. Muax3~ O_o
My NeW bEsT fRiEnDz....
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
- Intel Core2 Duo Processor T6600
- NVIDIA GeForce G105M
- 14.1 HD LED LCD
- 4 GB Memory
- 500 GB HDD
- DVD-Super Multi DL Drive
- 802.11 b/g/n
- 6-cell Li-ion Battery
len yg yuki nk dpt bnde len dlu... hehe~ O.o actually yuki nk jam tangan dlu... tp yuki dpt akuma n tenshi... tp best gak dpt akuma n tenshi neh dlu... ske2... k la t yuki citeR psl jam tangan yg yuki blom dpt lgi... so... adious... [ske dah gne ayat yaga...]
KeSuKaAn 1....
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
- yuki ske b'kwan... [klau bleh nk knl ngn semua oRg...]
- yuki ske parent yuki... [4eveR...]
- yuki ske family yuki... [always...]
- yuki ske n syg bRg2 yuki... [so jgn sentuh...]
- yuki ske oRg ske usik yuki... [tp jgn melebih...]
- yuki ske aiR teh... [teh + gule...]
- yuki ske mknn b'asaskn mee... [em... cedap...]
- yuki ske ambk gmbR... [tp bkn gmbR yuki...]
- yuki ske peRmandangan yg cantik... [ske2...]
- yuki ske dok soRg2... [so stay away...]
- yuki ske citeR b'asaskn vampire... [ske tngk daRah...]
- yuki tak ske keganasan... [tp klau citeR vampiRe tak peR...]
Monday, December 28, 2009

konbawa... skung neh bRu yuki tau betapa t'seksanyeR ble boRing... dah laR tak tau nk bwat papeR... T^T sedyh gak... mase t'buang camtuh jeR... koRg msti rase post neh tah papeR n cam bodo jeR nk post kat dlm blog kan..? tp apeR yuki kesah... neh blog yuki ske ati yuki laR yuki nk post papeR pun... haha~ ^0^ [gelak cam setan...] this is my blog and just follow my way... soRRy yek... yuki teRingin nk gne ayat2 kasaR camne... gomen... V_V [klau adeR yg t'rse...] ha..! yuki tak tau laR napeR rmi sngt ske pngl yuki neh comel... comel keR..? ^-^ comel laR gak... huhu~ =^^= tp kwan2 yuki ske pngl yuki comel2... kdg2 tuh rimas pun adeR n kdg2 tuh ske pun adeR... hehe~ ^0^ hem... k laR len kali yuki meRepek lg camneh dlm blog yuki yek smbl mkn keRepek... hoho~ :D
HaRi AsYuRa....
Sunday, December 27, 2009
AsyuRa b'asal dRpd p'kataan ARab asyaRa yg b'maksud sepuluh...
so aRi AsyuRa adalh aRi yg kesepuluh di dlm kalendaR Islam pd 10 Muharram...
so aRineh dah jd kebiasaan bg family yuki...
yuki ngn family msti pi kmpg...
utk bwat bubuR asyuRa...
sedap sngt...
mmg best ble b'same family...
tp thn neh yuki tak pi kaco bubuR tuh...
tp cam besa laR kne bwat keje gak...
lps bubuR asyuRa siap...
family yuki akn bwat kenduRi skit...
jmpt oRg kmpg dtg utk tahlil...
yuki ske sngt...
meRiah loR...

yuki just search kat inteRnet jeR...
bubuR yg family yuki bwat dah abis...
KiNgDoM hEaRtS....
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (キングダムハーツ バース バイ スリープ, Kingudamu Hātsu Bāsu bai Surīpu?) is an upcoming action role-playing game developed and published by Square Enix for the PlayStation Portable. The game is currently set to be released in Japan on January 9, 2010, and Square Enix has plans to release it in other territories. Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep will also be released with a limited edition PSP-3000 as a bundle in Japan featuring designs from the Kingdom Hearts series on its back. The game is a prequel to the first Kingdom Hearts game for the PlayStation 2, taking place ten years before the former, and features many previously unseen characters and unexplained plot elements from the original Kingdom Hearts series. The game centers on the journeys of Terra, Ventus and Aqua, characters briefly featured in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+, in their quest to locate the missing Master Xehanort. The game will also utilize an overhauled battle system different from previous games in the series with new elements such as the Command Board, Command System and Dimensional-Links added in.
Kingdom Hearts II (キングダムハーツII, Kingudamu Hātsu II?) is an action role-playing game developed by Square Enix and published by Buena Vista Games and Square Enix in 2005 for the Sony PlayStation 2 video game console. The game is a sequel to the 2002 Disney Interactive and Square collaboration, Kingdom Hearts, which combined Disney and Square elements into an action role-playing game, though it is significantly darker in tone than its predecessor. The game's popularity has resulted in a novel and manga series based upon it and an international version called Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, released in March 2007. Kingdom Hearts II is the third game in the Kingdom Hearts series. It picks up one year after the events of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Sora, the protagonist of the first two games, returns to search for his lost friends. Like the previous games, Kingdom Hearts II features a large cast of characters from Disney films and Final Fantasy games. Organization XIII, a group introduced in Chain of Memories, also reappears to impede Sora's progress. The game was well-received, earning year-end awards from numerous video gaming websites. In Japan, it shipped more than one million copies within a week of its release. One month after its North American release, it had sold over one million copies and was the second best-selling game of 2006. As of March 31, 2007, the game has shipped over 4 million copies worldwide.
MoU sUkOsHi....
Saturday, December 26, 2009
mune no utsu kodou tameiki mo somaru negai
mitsumeteru dakede atsukut
okubyou ni naru "koi" ha machigai sagashi?
kimi no sono bukiyou na yasashisa
hitorijimeshi takute KARAKARA mau shizuku tachi
kakenukeru youni afureru omoi dake shinjite
itsuka tokubetsu ni naritai omoikkiri uketomete yone
irochigai ni mau kokoro no senritsu ha kimi no motohe to
hibiiteku dakishimete itoshiki hibi wo
oogesa ni warau sono tabi ni fureru itami
hontou no watashi itsukara
sagasou toshite tandarou usojanai noni...
namida mo egao mo onaji dakene
kimi wo nakitsu keteku kotae nante aru no kana
oikaze no mu kou sakimawari shite mitsuketai na
kimi ni ima sugu aitai yo akubishite gomakasanai de
musunda kioku sakibbo ga KENKA shiteru futatsu no
kokoro moyou fukuzatsu ha "suki" no KATACHI ne
kakenukeru youni afureru omoi dake shinjite
itsuka tokubetsu ni naritai omoikkiri uketomete yone
irochigai ni mau kokoro no senritsu ha kimi no motohe to
hibiiteku itoshiki hibi wo
oikaze no mu kou sakimawari shite mitsuketai na
kimi ni ima sugu aitai yo akubishite gomakasanai de
musunda kioku sakibbo ga KENKA shiteru futatsu no
kokoro moyou fukuzatsu ha "suki" no KATACHI ne
FiNaLlY fInIsH....
Friday, December 25, 2009
AlWaYs AlOnE....

konichiwa... actually topic neh takde apeR sngt... haha~ =^^= cume yuki sedyh skit sbb one-chan n oni-san dah blk... sedyhnyeR... TT~TT tp yuki lg sedyh one-chan blk dR oni-san... sbb one-chan bek ngn yuki... yuki pi mne2 msti ngn one-chan... yuki tak ske sngt oni-san sbb dia tuh jhat skit ngn yuki... geRam... >.< [tp tak laR jhat sngt...] still bek gak... huhu~ ^-^ so skung neh yuki just tngl ngn oka-san n oto-san jelaR... tp yuki still happy sbb dpt tngl lg ngn oka-san n oto-san... even tngl lg seminggu... sbb t yuki pun nk blk u dah... nk tRskn pelajaRan... so gambatte yuki..! =_= love it... muax3... ^o^
HeAvEn 1....
Thursday, December 24, 2009
^o^ ~haha~ ^o^
...tajok neh ader veRsion sbb lps neh adeR veRsion 2 lak...
...utk veRsion 1 neh tajok dia...
"MencaRi Kebahagiaan"
napeR yuki nk citeR psl kebahagiaan..?
neh sbb yuki rse mcm tak tau apeR mksd kebahagiaan n tak phm m'rse kebahagiaan...
[tp ngn family yuki rse bahagia...]
apeR yek mksd kebahagiaan..?
apeR yek..?
yuki tak tau laR...
so jgn tnye apeR2 kat yuki...
^-^ ~hehe~ ^-^
[mmg pelik ngn sedyh still nk gelak2...]
yuki neh mmg pelik... tuh takde sapeR2 pun leh phm yuki...
cume adeR 2 oRg dm idup yuki jeR leh phm yuki...
sbb tuh yuki dpt rse skit dR kebahagiaan...
tp 22 oRg tuh yuki tak dpt jmpe dah...
napeR oRg yg yuki syg msti kne tnglkn yuki..?
oRg yg yuki syg n oRg yg phm yuki msti peRgi meningalkn yuki...
yg tngl semua oRg yg hipokRit, tak phm nk memahami yuki n ske ambk kesempatan...
TT~TT *cRying* TT~TT
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
FiNaL fAnTaSy GaMeS....
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
FoR FrUiTs BaSkEt....
Monday, December 21, 2009
Totemo ureshikatta yo / kimi ga warai kaketeta
Subete o tokasu hohoemi de
Haru wa mada tookute / tsumetai tsuchi no naka de
Mebuku toki o matte ita 'n da
Tatoeba kurushii kyou da to shite mo
Kinou no kizu o nokoshite ite mo
Shinjitai / kokoro hodo ite yukeru to
Umare kawaru koto wa dekinai yo
Dakedo kawatte wa ikeru kara
Boku dake ni waratte / sono yubi de / nee sawatte
Nozomi bakari ga hateshinaku
Yasashiku shitai yo / mou kuyamanu you ni
Nageki no umi mo koete ikou
Tatoeba kurushii kyou da to shite mo
Itsu ka atatakana omoide ni naru
Kokoro goto subete nage daseta nara
Koko ni ikiteru imi ga wakaru yo
Umare ochita yorokobi o shiru
Tatoeba kurushii kyou da to shite mo
Itsu ka atatakana omoide ni naru
Kokoro goto subete nage daseta nara
Koko ni ikiteru imi ga wakaru yo
Umare ochita yorokobi o shiru
YuKi BaD HaBiTz....
Sunday, December 20, 2009

konichiwa... yuki neh adeR bnyk bad habit... tp yg plg kRitikal sekali adeR 2... haha~ ^-^ [yg 2 neh mmg kritikal...] yuki pun tak leh nk stop dR 2 bad habit yuki yg kritikal neh... okey... fiRst yg kRitikal ble yuki sedyh oR anything yg bleh bwat yuki rse sedyh... yuki akn cedeRakn diRi sndRi... huhu~ O_o [mmg sakit...] second yg plg kRitikal klau yuki tak leh nk menampung pRsn yuki... yuki nnt demam then lmbt nk bek then klau dmm tuh msti b'seRtakn muntah2... x.x tp lps tuh yuki msti rse lega selega leganyeR... hem... pelikkn n meRbahaya... so sapeR2 yg knal yuki n dok dkt ngn yuki bek stay away jeR... t jdi mangsa keadaan... yuki sedaR bad habit yuki neh pun bRu jeR thn neh bln 7 wktu yuki staRt bljo kat u... haha~ ( o///o ) [malo lak...] tp apeR2 pun oRg kat sekeliling yuki tak tau... so yuki tak risau laR sngt... family yuki pun tak tau... tuh yg yuki rse lega sngt sbb family yuki tak tau klau tak depa msti risau... hem... tp yuki pun tak tau camne nk b'henti... cam dah jdi sebahagian idop yuki... so yuki pun tRskn jelaR... makin lme neh laR ubat kesedyhan yuki... release segala-galanyeR... tuh pun ble rse sakit tuh dah ilang oR demam dah bek... klau sakit tuh msti 2 minggu bRu ilang n klau dmm lak plg lme 3 minggu... hehe~ =^^= k laR t yuki citeR lg tntg bnde2 yg pelik n meRbahaya kat yuki neh... so jmpe lg... bubye... love it... ^x^
LoSt WoRlD oF tAmBuN....
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Lost World Of Tambun
WaTaShItAcHi No TaMuRa-KuN....
Friday, December 18, 2009
Alternate Title: Our Dear Tamura-kun
OM Rank: 426
Categories: comedy, drama, ecchi, romance, school life
Chapters: 21 - completed
Summary :Komaki Matsuzawa, a mysterious girl who keeps writing "return to her home star" on the paper of her study of career every time. Hiroka Soma, who is the most beautiful girl in the school, and who is also as cold as "tundra". Yukisada Tamura, who is a boy, and who got to make strenuous efforts with rushing around in circle by such two a-bit-wire girls. This is the story of an ordinary boy and two cute girls' amusing twinging moments of love, in the seasons rushes through like comet.
AgAiN, aGaIn 'N' AgAiN....
YuKi DoN'T bElIeVe....
Thursday, December 17, 2009
TsUbAsA rEsErVoIr ChRoNiClEs....
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
OM Rank: 29
Categories: action, adventure, anime, fantasy, shounen, tragedy
Chapters: 233 - completed
Summary: Sakura and Syaoran return, but they're not the people you know. Sakura is the princess of Clow - and possessor of a mysterious, misunderstood power that promises to change the world. Syaoran is her childhood friend and leader of the archaeological dig that took his father's life. They reside in an alternate reality... where whatever you least expect can happen - and does. When Sakura ventures to the dig site to declare her love for Syaoran, a puzzling symbol is uncovered - which triggers a remarkable quest. Now Syaoran embarks upon a desperate journey through other worlds-all in the name of saving Sakura.
p/s : it seen that yuki can't stop reading... always want to read manga... haha~ ^-^ anime always stuck in my heaRt n 4eveR stay in theRe...
FiNiSh, FiNiSh 'N' FiNiSh....
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
ScHoOl DaYs....
Title: School Days
OM Rank: 562
Categories: anime, drama, horror, romance, school life, tragedy
Chapters: 12 - completed
ToTaLlY fInIsH....
YaKuZa GiRl....
Chapters: 11 - completed
PrOb LaR...
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
hem... neh nk citeR psl chaRateristic depa lak... fiRst yaga oR gaga... dia neh ske sngt ngn lady gaga... mne2 dia pi msti nk sing lagu lady gaga... lgu yg dia selalo nyanyi paparazzi n a bad romance... hehe~ d[^.^]b smpi yuki leh hafal lyric lgu tuh... dia neh gak pndi n fasih speak english n dia neh plg gila dlm gRoup kitaoRg... second neh lak yuz... dia neh ala2 model skit n ske ngn tyRa banks... cRe yuz n pakaian dia mmg cam model... maybe cite2 dia pun nk jd model kot... model catwalk... just bwat jln cam kucing tuh... tp kucing lg populaR... haha~ ^w^ yadi neh lak... eRm... ssh nk tRgkn... kdg2 dia gila2 skit cam kitaoRg n kdg2 dia agak sopan skit... [sopan keR..?] last but not least is yimi... yimi neh bek tau... kdg2 lgi tRk gila2 dia dRpd yaga... tp yimi neh pndi n fasih speak chinese... huhu~ ^.^ hebat seh... n lgi satu dia neh pndi dlm hal2 teknology... hem... klau yuki nk pendapat psl alat2 teknology yuki cRi yimi jeR... senang idop yuki... yuki lak... eRm... adeR oRg ckap yuki neh cute... huhu~ ^w^ [btl keR..?] entah laR... yuki rse besa2 jeR... yuki neh just fRiendly... klau bleh nk kwan ngn semua oRg... soRRy yek kpd yaga, yadi, yuz n yimi klau t'rse ngn kaRya yuki neh... gomen... V.V

dibwh: yimi

AgAiN fInAlY....
Friday, December 11, 2009
ReSuLt ExAm FiRsT YuKi....
CGPA = 3.++ [Dekan]
>>BEL120 = B
>>CTU101 = A
>>MAT133 = A
>>PHY120 = A
>>SUG101 = B
>>SUG111 = B
>>HBU111 = A
MäRcHeN aWaKeN rOmAnCe....
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Märchen Awaken Romance Or MAR
OM Rank: 492
Categories: action, anime, fantasy, shounen
Author: Anzai Nobuyuki
Artist: Anzai Nobuyuki
Chapters: 161 - completed
Summary: Ginta Toramizu is a 14-year-old kid who doesn't have a lot going for him: he's near-sighted, doesn't do well in school, sucks at sports, and to top it off--he's short! But Ginta is a dreamer and has had the same dream 102 times, always in the same fantasy world, where he is a hero blessed with all the abilities he lacks in real life.
Then one day a supernatural figure appears at Ginta's school and summons him to a mysterious and exciting new world! In this strange universe filled with magic and wonder, he is strong, tough, agile--and he can see without his glasses! Thus, Ginta begins a mystical quest in search of the magical items known as "
NoW YuKi AlReAdY fInIsH iT....
YuKi AlSo LiKe JaPaNeSe N kOrEaN....
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
PeRkArA yG iNgIn DiLuPaKaN....
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
- yuki nk lupeRkn kwan2 yuki...
- oRg yg bwat yuki bnci dRi sendRi...
- kenangan yuki yg p'1 b'gdh tRk ngn kwan yuki...
- kenangan wktu kat SMKAB n UiTm PeRlis...
- kenangan sedyh yg bwat yuki geRam sngt...
pendek kata klau bleh yuki nk sngt2 lupeRkn semuanyeR..! tp apeR yg yuki bleh bwat... yuki neh bknnyeR "Yg Maha B'kuasa" utk tntukn jln kehidupan yuki neh... apeR yg yuki blh bwat hanya pasRah ngn kentetuannyeR... mungkin semua neh adeR hikmah disebaliknyeR... haha~ apeR yg yuki mmpu bwat hanya t'senyum bg menutup tangisan dlm diRi... :D
k laR cukup laR dRama yuki utk kali neh... t yuki bwat dRama lg yek... hehe~ ^o^ jgn risau semua citeR dlm blog yuki adelah 100% bnR... len kali yuki b'dRama lg yek... sayonaRa...
UsEs Of TiTlEs In JaPaNeSe NaMeS....
uses -san, -chan, -sama, -kun, -dono, -sempai, kouhai, n -sensei onto japanese names mean..? ^o^
japanese titles are suffixes (they come after the name), there are more of them, and they are more strictly based on the speaker's rank in society relative to the person they're talking to. They are also not usually gender specific. Ones you will hear most commonly in anime are:
- -san: The basic "Mr."/"Ms." suffix; not gender specific. Used by adults (or sometimes younger people) to refer to roughly social equals, or as an all-purpose polite suffix.
- -chan: The standard "cute" suffix. Generally used with the names of small children or younger girls; also occasionally used affectionately by boyfriends/girlfriends to refer to each other.
- -sama: Very honorific suffix. Used when being extremely polite, or more commonly toward people far socially superior (kings, lords, gods). Not common in modern use, but frequently heard in anime.
- -kun: Generally used to refer to social equals or slight inferiors, particularly younger males.
- -dono: Rarely used, old fashioned honorific; similar to -sama.
- -sempai/Sempai: Can be used as a suffix or as a stand alone "title" (not attached to a name, that is). Usually used to refer to people in the same group as you, but somewhat higher (for example, students in a higher grade).
- -kouhai/Kouhai: The opposite of "sempai"--used to refer to social inferiors.
- -sensei/Sensei: Roughly "Teacher", also used as both a suffix and term of reference. Can also be used for respected people in educated positions, such as doctors. This is the once case where there is a rough English equivalent; one can say, for example, "Professor Smith", or merely call him/her "Professor" (the word "sensei," however, includes other English titles, like "Doctor" or "Teacher" as well).
MiDoRi No HiBi....
Monday, December 07, 2009
Alternate Title: Midori Days
OM Rank: 377
Categories: anime, comedy, harem, romance, school life, shounen
Author: Inoue Kazurou
Artist: Inoue Kazurou
Chapters: 85 - completed
Summary: Seiji Sawamura is the toughest seventeen-year-old in town, feared by all for his fighting prowess and his deadly "devil's right hand." But at heart, Seiji is a softy, and all he wants is an end to his seventeen-year history of being a lonely single guy. Unfortunately his tough-guy reputation only serves to decrease his popularity with the ladies.FiNaLlY YuKi....
anyway... anime had stuck in my live staRt yuki in kindeRgaRten... huhu~ ^_^ anime 4eveR... kawaii...
now yuki staRt reading midoRi no hibi oR midoRi days... citeR neh best laR gak... tp jgn tnye apeR2 sbb yuki bRu nk staRt bce...